商戶申請表 Merchant Application Form

按摩、美容、健身行業 Massage, Beauty, Fitness

申請前,請申請所需文件 Please prepare the below application supporting documents before applying
  • 有效商業登記證明 (BR及CR)、NAR1/ NNC1
  • 周年申報表 & 公司章程副本 Copies of BR & CR certificate, NAR1/ NNC1 and company M&A
  • 註冊人姓名、 香港身份證副本、聯絡電話及地址  Applicant name, HKID card copy, contact no. and email
  • 公司收款銀行戶口資料及最近三個月紀錄 The company bank account information (for receiving the settled payment), and its record in recent 3 months
  • 商店正門招牌、售賣貨品、價目表及收銀台正面照片 Photos of store front (with signage), product shelves, price list and the front of cashier counter

填寫此 SoéPay 商戶申請表 Complete this SoéPay merchant application form
A. 公司資料 Company Information
B. 負責人資料 Responsible person Information
(業務 25% 以上之任何股東 / 負責人 Any shareholder/ responsible person with more than 25% of the business)
C. 聯絡人資料 Contact Person Information
D. 日常營運資料 Daily operation Information
E. 收款銀行資料 Bank Information
F. 收款服務 Acceptance Service
G. 產品、按金及額外選購配件 Products, Deposit, Extra Hardware & Accessory
H. 條款及細則 Terms & Conditions / 商戶授權 Merchant Authorization
您的商戶收卡服務同意書,包含此商戶申請表 (“本申請”) 和 SoePay.com 網站的條款及細則 (“條款及細則”) 是由瑞柏商戶服務有限公司 (“SMS”) 和上述與您之間的協議。本申請將按年自動續期,除非根據條款及細則第 13 條的方式終止服務。 商戶已知悉以下事項: 如機器有任何人為損壞或遺失,商戶需繳付 2,200 港元。 本公司的機器為本公司之財產,及對其擁有權與有關機器之所有事宜均有最終決定權,並對合約雙方具約束力。 按卡機構收單規定,商戶不能進行分單交易,如發現商戶有分單交易行為,卡機構有權凍結交易結算款至少180日。 ⼩型企業計劃(“SME計劃”)交易率(MDR)僅適⽤於全年Visa或Mastercard交易的總營業額不超過150萬港元、美國運通交易的總營業額不超過100萬港元及銀聯交易的總營業額不超過80萬港元。Visa月交易總額不超過40萬港元。如果累計交易⾦額超過Visa、Mastercard、美國運通或銀聯的限額,商⼾有機會將無法再享受SME計劃的折扣優惠。交易費也將會被調整。 線上支付交易率(MDR):Visa及Mastercard香港本地信用卡2.7%,非香港信用卡3.7%。除以上交易率外,每筆交易收取HK$1.5交易費。結算週期為T+5。 商戶必須保留帶有持卡人簽收的銷售發票至少365日,如遇到收單機構調單或持卡人信用卡爭議交易及退款(Chargeback)情況,而商戶未能提供交易的銷售發票,商戶或需要承擔退還持卡人該筆交易款的責任。 商戶同意在簽署後,代表商戶已閱讀並理解、並同意遵守所有條款包括商戶收卡服務同意書、本申請之條款及細則,及 help.soepay.com 幫助中心的快速入門指南。商戶並謹此聲明於本申請和申請所需文件中提供的所有信息都是真實準確的。且將受本申請之條款及細則約束,SMS保留修改或最終決定權。在任何情況下,商戶不同意本申請的任何條款及細則與條件時,將不得向 SMS 提交本申請和/或任何卡交易。 該服務將由SMS和其支付服務合作方共同提供。如果商戶違反任何支付服務合作方定立的條款,支付服務合作方可不向商戶提供其服務。 本申請的中英文版本出現任何歧異,概以英文版本為準。 Your Merchant Card Services Agreement, comprising of this Merchant Application Form (“Application”) and the Terms & Conditions (“T&C”) that published in SoePay.com, is made between SPECTRA Merchant Services Limited ("SMS") and Merchant named hereinabove. It will be automatically renewed when end of the applied subscription period, unless it is terminated as per clause 13 of the T&C. Merchant have acknowledged the terms below: A fee of HK$2,200 per device is payable by merchant if any device(s) is/are damaged or lost. The terminal devices are the properties of Spectra Merchant Service Limited reserves the right of final decision on all matters relating to the ownership of terminal device(s), which shall be binding on both parties concerned. According to the card scheme acquiring regulations, the Merchant can not attempt to split transactions. Once found, the card scheme has the right to freeze the transaction settlements for at least 180 days. The Small Business Program (“SME program”) processing rate (MDR) is only applicable to merchants whose annual turnover below HK$1.5 million on Visa or Mastercard transactions, below HK$1.0 million on American Express transactions and below HK$0.8 million on Union Pay. The monthly transaction on Visa should not exceed HK$0.4 million. Once merchants’ annual and said monthly turnovers exceed the SME program’s transaction limits, merchant will not be eligible for SME discount. If so, the transaction rate will be adjusted. Online payment MDR: Visa and Mastercard: Hong Kong credit card 2.7%, non-Hong-Kong credit card 3.7%. On top of the above MDR, admin charge HK$1.5 per transaction is applied. Settlement cycle: T+5. Merchant must keep the sales invoice with the cardholder's signature for at least 365 days. Merchant maybe responsible for refunding the cardholder for the transaction if the merchant is unable to provide the sales invoice for verification in case of the acquirer's request of sales slip or the cardholder's chargeback. By signing below, merchant declares that you have read and understood all the terms and conditions including the Merchant card services agreement, the T&C of this application form, and the Quick Start Guide in the Help Centre of help.soepay.com. Also, you certifies that all information provided in this Application and supporting documents are true and accurate. Also, merchant agrees that, upon signing, it will be bound by all the terms of this Application and the T&C as may be modified or amended in the future in accordance with its terms, despite this Application is subject to final acceptance of SMS in its sole and absolute discretion. In any event Merchant disagrees with any terms of this Application or the T&C, it shall not submit this Application and/or any Card Transaction to SMS hereunder. The service will be jointly provided by SMS and its payment service partners. The payment service partners may, at their sole discretion, not provide their services if merchant violates any terms of service set out by the payment services partners. The English Version of this Agreement shall prevail whenever there is a discrepancy between the English and the Chinese versions.
I. 所需文件 Please upload required documents

更新日 Update date : 28 Apr 2023

屬按摩、美容、健身行業 Massage, Beauty, Fitness

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